FPL EVolution Electrician installing Level 2 Wall charger Tesla Pembroke Pines Boca Raton

FPL EVolution vs ConnectEV?

Comparing ConnectEV, FPL EVolution, and Other EV Charger Installers in South Florida.

When it comes to installing an electric vehicle (EV) charging station in your South Florida home, making the right choice can make all the difference in your charging experience. Let’s delve into a detailed comparison between ConnectEV, FPL Evolution, and other EV charging station installers in the region to help you make an informed decision.

Want to speak to a dedicated EV Charging Expert? Call: (954) 708-2150

What is FPL EVolution?

FPL Evolution is a service provided by Florida Power & Light Company (FPL) that specializes in offering energy solutions, particularly focusing on electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure. Through FPL Evolution, customers can access EV charging station installations for both residential and commercial properties, aimed at promoting the adoption of electric vehicles and the expansion of EV charging networks in South Florida.

Costs of FPL EVolution EV Charging Installation

Once eligible, FPL Evolution offers two prices: $38/month for a full installation including a level 2 wall charger and $31/month for just an installation if you already own an EV charger. This includes a $12.81/month charge for off-peak charging of your EV. If you need to charge your EV outside of the unlimited nights and weekends window, you’ll be billed for the energy used during on-peak hours at a rate of $0.2371/kWh.

FPL EVolution is a 10-year commitment.

FPL EVolution Logo color florida EV charging installation no cost upfront
FPL EVolution Level 2 Wall Charger Tesla Cost Price Home Garage
Understanding the FPL EVolution Cost PDF
Tesla Level 2 Wall Charger Installation FPL EVolution Pembroke Pines Boca Raton

Drawbacks of FPL EVolution

Is FPL EVolution right for me?

While FPL Evolution allows EV owners to have an EV wall charger installed with zero up-front costs, the real downside is the 10 year commitment.

At it’s best this will be a $4,560 minimum total cost over 10 years for a full-service charger installation with a hefty cancelation fee if you decide to terminate your contract early. Additionally, the cost of charging during off-peak hours will also add to this cost over time.

The installation time is 2-3 months for a full installation, or 1-2 months for equipment-only installations (No level 2 wall charger included.)

It is worth considering the rate at which EV technology is evolving and if being locked into a 10-year term is a wise decision for current EV owners.

How Does connectEV Compare With FPL EVolution?

When it comes to installing an electric vehicle (EV) charging station in your South Florida home, making the right choice can make all the difference in your charging experience. Let’s delve into a detailed comparison between ConnectEV, FPL Evolution, and other EV charging station installers in the region to help you make an informed decision.

Want to speak to a dedicated EV Charging Expert? Call: (954) 708-2150

Schedule Your Free Estimate

Benefits of ConnectEV Expert EV Charging Installations

Is ConnectEV right for me?

ConnectEV installations start at $399 – one time payment and are guaranteed for the lifetime of the home. We make sure to get the job done right and are local EV charger installation experts servicing Fort Lauderdale, Miami, Pembroke Pines, Boca Raton, West Palm Beach, Delray Beach, Aventura, Hollywood and more.

FPL EVolutiuon EV level 2 wall charger installation pembroke pines boca raton florida
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Comparing ConnectEV with FPL EVolution and Other EV Charger Installers.

ConnectEV The Electric Vehicle Charging Company Logo
FPL EVolution Logo color florida EV charging installation no cost upfront
cheap EV home charger installer company

Other EV Installers

  • Installations starting at $399
  • No contracts or hidden fees
  • Call today charge tomorrow
  • Licensed & insured electricians
  • Level 2 wall charger with full service installation
  • Option for equipment only installation
  • Servicing South Florida & more
  • Homeowner guarantee
FPL EVolution Logo color florida EV charging installation no cost upfront
  • Full installations starting at $38/month + peak charging fee
  • 10-year contract with cancellation fees
  • 2-3 month installation time
  • Licensed and insured electricians
  • Level 2 wall charger with full service installation
  • Option for equipment only installation
  • Must contact FPL for eligibility
  • No guarantee
cheap EV home charger installer company

Other EV Charger Installers

  • Cheap, low quality installations
  • Hidden fees vary by installer
  • Unreliable installation timeframe
  • Unqualified EV electricians
  • May not be genuine Level 2 Charger
  • No equipment only installations
  • Call to check if they service your location
  • No Guarantee